
Showing posts from July, 2020

Documentary mini-task

What is a documentary? A documentary (to me) is a film or series consisting of actual footage and/or reenactments of real life events, places and people to create a narrative, however true or false from the facts, for the understanding of the general viewer. Expository documentaries: The key points of what makes an expository documentary are: A voice over narrator who's purpose it is to give meaning to the images seen by the audience. Voice over provides facts to accompany the images. The images used compliment the voice over the same way the voice over compliments the images. The primary objective of an expository documentary is to represent the subject matter in a transparent way. The example I've picked is the BBC's 'The Blue Planet' (2001). The Blue Planet is probably one of the BBC's most famous documentaries. featuring the voice over of Sir David Attenborough, The Blue Planet covers a whole range of subjects to do with the seas an