Connotations through still images

 This image represents strength. this effect is shown by the use of a medium shot to make the subject look tall by taking advantage of the fact we can't see how high off the floor they are. the subjects strength is also shown by all the books around them, giving the connotation that 'knowledge is power'. there is lighting all around the subject making it seem like they give off a natural radiance of power.
 This image represents fear itself, shown by the lack of light all around except for the up lighting shining underneath a mysterious figure, the subject of our picture. This image preys on the human condition giving us a natural fear of the unknown. 'who or what is lurking in the shadows?' we ask ourselves, conflicting our own minds with a mix of bad and good thoughts, not knowing which to believe. the image is also a close-up, giving us not much to go on in figuring out whether or not the subject is big, menacing or dangerous... or maybe even friendly, perhaps? 

This image represents desire. This is shown by multiple hints towards the owners love for a certain boy band littering the image. Their desire to be a part of the band in some way enforced by the light focusing on the close ups of the members' faces. the angle is at a birds eye view, giving us a POV shot from the owners perspective, allowing us to put ourselves in their mind, thinking what they're thinking.

This image represents loneliness. The subject is sitting, towered over by the camera, all light in frame at every point except where the subject is. its as if they're surrounded by a dark storm of loneliness so potent it drives away any light and hopes for friendship and accompaniment. The subject is inferior to the camera and knows it, knowingly suffering a lonesome fate. 
 This image represents poverty. The penny is dominated by the high camera angle, which in tangent with the lack of focus in the image gives off the impression of how worthless the penny is, it isn't shiny to reflect light, instead it sits there at the bottom of a lightless wallet, never seeing the rays of hope everything else in the world does.
 this image represents purity. The swan is a perfect symbol of purity, due to its proud nature, beauty and grace. It's relishing in the natural light of the sun and its own freedom in the world, surrounded by beautiful nature captured in the wide shot. next to it is a small duck, most likely its avid companion in its journey through life as a royal animal, untouched by war or greed like the humans around it.
 This image represents friendship. the subjects are at an equal level to not only the camera, but each other, showing their is a mutual respect between the two, and both are friendly enough to share the only spot of shade in the house. their is a harmonious equilibrium within their lives, and have gone through life side by side. they are surrounded by natural light despite being in the shade, signifying their friendship bursts with rays of light, and therefore hope.
 This image represents love. The subjects of the picture are encapsulated as the passion of the owners life, looked down upon by the camera, not in dominance, but admiration for the true beauty of their discovery. the picture gives a good impression of how the room would usually sound, allowing the viewers of the image to imagine every strum and crackle from the amplifier. The light bounces off the shiny instrument which reflects it around the room, allowing it to be the source of true hope and the beacon through the darkness.
 This image represents danger. the danger is shown by the angle of the camera, allowing the alleyway to seemingly stretch on forever, bathed in shadow from the high fences and towering foliage. anyone foolish enough to go down here would find themselves entrapped in shadow. going down at night would also be dangerous, as the streetlamp seems to be a beacon for the midpoint, but soon after reaching it the clueless wanderer will realise they haven't made progress, they've only just begun...
This image represents wealth. The notes block the light from reaching the camera far below it, showing that while it is glorious and relevant, the onlooker is far below it and does not deserve to bask in the universes glorious light, unlike the money above. the notes are respected by the low camera angle, and rightly so, as without their towering superiority, the people wouldn't afford to live, let alone afford life's luxury.


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